Energy bars and sport: how to consume them

In recent years, protein bars have become among the most popular snacks among fitness enthusiasts and beyond. In just a few bites, the nutrients necessary to provide the body with an immediate boost are included.

Energy bars and sport

Among the main benefits of energy bars, we find:

  • Improved muscle repair and growth : Very often it happens that during physical activity, muscles suffer small tears and the proteins present in energy bars provide the amino acids necessary to rebuild muscle fibers.
  • Boost of energy: Fitness enthusiasts know well the importance of carbohydrate intake to keep their energy level high. Protein bars are a quick and easy way to refuel on carbohydrates and stay energized during your workouts.
  • High digestibility: thanks to their pocket size, the bars are formulated to be easily digestible and therefore to quickly take in all the essential nutrients before or after training.


But, how and when are they consumed?


Some prefer to take energy bars before training, others after. The reality is that these healthy snacks produce immediate benefits in both cases , you just need to understand your goals and needs. Nutritionists and personal trainers recommend taking energy bars as a pre-workout for all endurance sports , because they require constant energy levels. In this case, it is preferable to eat snacks about an hour before starting training and you must accompany this small break with plenty of water. However , in the post-workout phase , the bars do not lose their usefulness. If they are taken after physical effort, these snacks allow our body to assimilate all the nutrients necessary for faster energy recovery and an increase in muscle mass.

Sports and energy bars

How can I choose the best bar for my needs?

Like any product, it is important to carefully check all the ingredients to avoid taking substances that could harm your health. As for energy bars, you should avoid :

  1. Added sugars or artificial sweeteners only lead to weight gain and can even cause long-term health problems if taken regularly;
  2. Preserved or artificial flavourings , in addition to being the cause of digestive problems, these ingredients can worsen some food intolerances;
  3. Excessive calories;
  4. Trans fats , some protein bars may contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, which can increase cholesterol levels;
  5. High sodium content , which can lead to high blood pressure;
As a result, while energy bars are generally healthy, they may create the opposite effect. For this reason, at Clemi's Market we offer snacks carefully formulated to satisfy everyone's needs with 100% organic ingredients . Our energy bars are in fact made up of a maximum of five natural, healthy and digestible ingredients. The Clemi's Market shop offers three types of energy bars to satisfy everyone's tastes:


Protein fuel


Almond and cocoa flavoured, it represents the real fuel for your physical activity. And don't worry, thanks to pumpkin seeds, the mushy flavor of traditional bars will be just a distant memory!

Protein fuel: bar with almonds and cocoa

The antioxidant properties of almonds, combined with the vitamins of cocoa, the low-calorie proteins of pumpkin seeds and the mineral salts of dates, create an unmissable and, above all, healthy mix of flavours.


You are nuts


Toasted peanuts and cocoa are a combo of flavors that satisfies everyone's palate, from the greediest to the most delicate. With the You Are Nuts energy bar you will be able to enjoy the healthy alternative to this delicious combination, in short, a true American crockpot candy... but healthy!


You are nuts: bar with cocoa and toasted peanuts

You can't go wrong with this healthy snack, with just one bite you'll have an explosion of flavors (and energy) that will accompany you during your workout.


Pick Me Up


If you're feeling bolder and want to try something different, then the Pick Me Up energy bar is for you! The crunchiness of cashews combines with coconut to create a unique combination of flavours, all within the reach of a small healthy snack.

Pick me up: energy bar with cashews and coconut

Coconut is one of the most caloric fruits, in just 100 grams there are 354 calories, but don't be fooled because its beneficial properties are many. In fact, the fruit of the sun contains sugars and proteins that nourish both the body and the mind (this is why it is one of the fruits most loved by athletes).

In short, whether you prefer a classic flavor or a bolder one, the Clemi's Market shop offers products that can help you increasingly integrate a pinch of well-being into your diet.